i can watch but not take part where i end and where you start - an attempt to run a study blog

Wednesday, April 4

Rabbit holes

Frame semantics. Linguist or not, you really get it when youre dealing with customers day and ..

How come kids born 80-81 look old now, and them from 77 dont real.. Pop!

I havent saved nearly enough money for the upcoming trip, and I will have to bring, like, half a pharmacy. Im not panicking though, we'll manage. There's a few pre-paid adventures (I know. I keep having nightmarish visions of buses packed with old people too.) and all I really wanna do it walking, eating and sexing anyways, and thats not gonna cost us a lot. But you know how it goes, you find stuff you want, you eat and drink like pigs with munchies and I just dont want to argue about it. Or owe anyone anything. Or even.. Pop!

Kids, dont smoke, mmkay? 'S really hard to quit, and you kinda know you have to. Im seriou.. Pop!

There's a few things I miss; hanging out, talking on the phone for hours, fika with cigarettes, getting all dressed up and excited every weekend, not being annoyed, jeans size 25..hell, Ill settle for 27, not knowing certain things... And wow, there's a lot of things I dont miss. Drama, stupidity, drugs (funny how they seem closely link.. Pop!

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