i can watch but not take part where i end and where you start - an attempt to run a study blog

Wednesday, May 13

world englishes

Which is actually a subject I would love to touch, being a L2 speaker and all, but not today.
No, today its quicky-posty time, I have movies to watch, things to take care of and most definately books to read.
Following the honest guilt-trend here, Id like to say a few things about procrastination (guess what this is, btw). See, I know there's this idea of lazyness attached to it, and that might be partially true, but its not all of it. Again, its about fear of failure. If I dont give it my all (ie start on time and work on something for long) I wont feel as bad if doesnt turn out good.
Its hard trying to explain the procrastination way for non-believers, cause ultimately, it is a destructive force. I do think, however, that peoples work rythms are very different, and most of you who dont, would benefit from thinking the process thru before you start. The problem after that is just starting (and not the day before deadline).

Ive always been a procrastinator. I noticed early how I could get away with minimal effort, so I did. Thing was, I always got stressed by putting it off for so long, so the final (usually brilliant, ahem) product was always tear- and sweat drenched. I was waiting for the right time to do things differently, you know like, when it would matter. But I think it never did. I could always pull something above-average out of my ass when I needed, not becuase Im that smart, but because I understood what I needed to (with minimal effort).

Ive lost that ability now, and I guess thats a good thing. I need to work hard, really hard, on assignments "below" my intelectual capacity. Naturally, this breeds doubt and anxiety, meaning my starting's never come unless I find someone to make me.

This semester has been so much harder than it needed to be.

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