i can watch but not take part where i end and where you start - an attempt to run a study blog

Sunday, January 6

I rubbed this all over my face

Yeah, so..Where was I?
No matter. Deal is, everyone (and I mean almost everyone I know) are having babies and/or getting married this year. Im not happy for them. I will be, promise, as soon as I live somewhere (anywhere as long as Im by myself now), as soon as Im no longer wearing plastic bags in my shoes to keep the snow out. I will be, whenever I stop feeling like such a looser and failure for not being there, wanting that, not stressing out about it.

I decided today to give myself January. My bestest birthday and xmas present to myself. As much as needed, during this month, Im allowed to mope, bitch, cry, all that, no holding back. Its ok.
Come February Im living somewhere on my own, am being most happy for all my friends and am succeeding in school, because of my international wit. Awesome.

1 comment:

Naru said...

"somliga går med påsar i skon.. säg vad beror det på..." well, darling. im not having any babies or getting married. so you and me mope over a beer saturday, yeah? and very happy that you are back!

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